
The last decade has witnessed dramatic improvements in workplace safety. As a result, the number of worker injuries has decreased significantly. Safety Signage has an important role to play when it comes to preparing employees for occupational hazards. Caution and warning labels are examples of safety signs that help workers ensure safety in a variety of conditions.

Effective visual communication makes it easy for workers to identify workplace hazards. Placing the right safety signs at the right points reduce injury risks and promote safety in a cost-effective and simple manner. It is the responsibility of safety managers and business owners to take essential actions and do everything in their capacity to prevent workplace incidents.

When should safety signs be used?

You should use safety signs to indicate the areas in your facility where hazards are present. It is important to figure out what sign should be used to indicate a particular hazard. Generally, there are three categories: danger, warning, and caution. A danger sign is used to indicate the most serious hazards so that workers observe the precautionary measures. The ‘danger’ signal can be printed in white letters with the red background or simply a symbol can be printed indicating the danger.

The ‘caution’ signs communicate that a potential hazard may exist and that carelessness can lead to injuries. Similarly, the caution signal can be printed in black on a yellow background.

Benefits of safety signs

Safety signage provides numerous benefits for facilities whether large or small. When installed conspicuously, workers can easily recognize when and where to take certain precautions. We often see signage around restricted areas indicating different types of warnings. Reducing workplace accidents is one of the prime functions of safety signage.

Businesses often use safety signs as a strong communication channel which instructs employees what to do or what not to do in a facility. It is important for manufacturers to observe strict adherence to the established safety codes.

In addition to improving the overall safety situation at a workplace, safety signage can help business owners improve the productivity of workers and promote a culture of safety.

Let your workers know the hazards present at your facility. For example, use caution signs if your facility contains dust, flying particles or any other hazard that require your employees to use personal protective equipment. Falls are one of the major causes of deaths and injuries in the construction industry.

About A Sign Promotion

We are a premium signage shop in Edmonton that takes pride in producing all kinds of commercial and non-commercial signs including safety and promotional decals. Visit our site for more information!